Every shift in season is an opportunity (sometimes a challenge...) to embrace a new phase in life. As changes in weather prompt us to switch up our wardrobes and seasonal foods encourage us to modify our diet, I like to kick off each season with a 1-2 week cleanse based off the Ayurvedic Kitchari diet. This cleanse is typically appropriate for almost everyone*, but consult your healthcare practitioner or nutritionist with any questions. Before I get into the cleanse, I'll first detail the history behind every ingredient and include a personal anecdote, dragging out the narrative until you furiously scroll looking for theĀ ingredients that should've been listed right at the top. Or, not (you know who you are!). Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of natural medicine, and diet is a foundational part of this holistic approach to disease and healing. Occasional kitchari diets are a common recommendation by many Ayurvedic practitioners as … [Read more...]